
Throat Cancer

Throat cancer, also known as pharyngeal cancer, refers to the malignant growth of cells in the throat (pharynx), a hollow tube that runs from the back of the nose to the top of the windpipe and esophagus. For individuals seeking the best doctor for throat cancer in East Delhi, Throat cancer is often categorized into three main types based on the specific location within the pharynx:

1. Nasopharyngeal Cancer: This type of cancer occurs in the nasopharynx, the upper part of the throat behind the nose.

2. Oropharyngeal Cancer: This cancer develops in the oropharynx, which includes the tonsils, base of the tongue, soft palate, and the walls of the throat.

3. Hypopharyngeal Cancer: Hypopharyngeal cancer affects the hypopharynx, the lower part of the throat that connects to the esophagus.

best doctor for throat cancer in east delhi

Risk Factors:

  • Tobacco and Alcohol Use: Smoking and heavy alcohol consumption are major risk factors for throat cancer. The combination of both significantly increases the risk.
  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection: Certain strains of HPV, particularly HPV-16, have been linked to an increased risk of oropharyngeal cancers.
  • Age & Gender: Throat cancer is more common in older adults, and men are generally at a higher risk.
  • Poor Nutrition:A diet lacking in fruits and vegetables may contribute to an increased risk.


  • Persistent sore throat
  • Difficulty or pain while swallowing
  • Changes in voice or hoarseness
  • Ear pain
  • Swelling or lumps in the neck
  • Unexplained Weight Loss


  • Physical examination of the throat and neck
  • Biopsy to confirm the presence of cancer cells
  • Imaging studies (CT scan, MRI, PET scan) to assess the extent of the disease


  • Treatment options may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, or a combination of these, depending on the stage and location of the cancer..
  • Radiation with or without chemotharapy is main stay of treatment in these cancers but with invent of robotic surgery, early stage tumours of oropharyx can be resected with help of robotic surgery called Transoral robotic surgery(TORS) without much of morbidity.
  • Immunotherapy may also be considered in some cases.


  • Avoiding tobacco and limiting alcohol consumption
  • Practicing safe sex to reduce the risk of HPV infection
  • Vaccination against HPV, which can prevent certain types of throat cancer


  • Prognosis varies depending on the stage at which the cancer is diagnosed and the specific characteristics of the tumor.
  • Early detection and prompt treatment generally lead to better outcomes.

If individuals experience persistent symptoms or notice any changes in their throat health, they should seek medical attention for a thorough evaluation. Regular check-ups and screenings, particularly with the best doctor for throat cancer in Meerut, can be essential for early detection and improved prognosis.